February 24, 2023

Freud. Psychology or Psychoanalysis?

I bet if I said the word Psychology, one of the first three words that you would think of, would be the name "Freud". What if I told you that Freud hadn't ever dealt with Psychology? What would be your reaction? Let’s take it step by step. Freud was a neurologist and, starting from the works of other authors, (Charcot and Janet) he developed an unconscious mind theory. Freud’s unconscious mind theory provides an explanation of behaviours that we are not aware of.

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February 16, 2023

Schizophrenia symptoms

How do I talk about schizophrenia in a simple way? Let’s try this.
Idea: A schizophrenia diagnosis can be made when at least two psychotic symptoms occur for at least six months. So at least two symptoms for a period not less than six months. Okay, but what are the psychotic symptoms? They are delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized behaviour, and negative symptoms. Let’s look at them.

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February 08, 2023

How much do you look like your dog?

Charles Darwin. Do you know the name? If not, have you ever heard about evolution theory? We can summarize it in this way: what we are as a human species is the result of a series of adaptations to the environment. This is valid for all species including animals and plants. Throughout the ages, species have acquired and lost physical and behavioural characteristics to overcome the challenges that the environment gave them. Sounds cool. But what does psychology have to do with this?

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February 05, 2023

How do you behave with your pen?

If I mention the term “behaviour”, what do you think of? Perhaps of the time that you said or thought "I don’t like his behaviour", or, less frequently: "He is a nice person, I admire the way he behaves when angry or stressed". Many of us think of behaviour as something that comes out of a relationship with another person. In the field of psychology, behaviour is also something else.

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