Who I am



Anthony reads this page:

I’m Anthony, that’s what I’d say if we met and introduced ourselves.

I studied Natural Sciences and then Psychology until I became a qualified Psychologist.
I completed a specialization in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience in Parma. It is a specialization that helps to understand behaviour by relating it to what "happens electrically in the brain".

My thesis dealt with these topics:
  • Bullying.
  • Victims of childhood maltreatment.
I have worked in the following fields:
  • Development period: preteens and adolescents with learning disorders or disabilities.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation in subjects with neurocognitive disorders, like: senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.
  • Scientific research on sleep disturbances, internet and video game addictions, trauma.
The services I offer are:
If you are interested in one of these services, please contact me.