
What is counseling?
Due to our social nature, we often experience stress, psychological pain, behaviour problems and issues in relationships. When things are easy, we talk to someone we trust. But if distress, suffering, and problems are serious, what should we do? If the people we rely on don’t feel like supporting us, or cannot, who can we turn to? If we are the ones who are ashamed to confide in someone we know, what can we do?

Rach reads this page:

It may be useful to talk to a specialist. Counseling is one of the skills of the psychologist. The psychologist is a person who studied psychology at university and has passed a final exam that entitles them to the profession.

Break a stereotype: anyone who goes to a psychologist is "insane"? Insane is a word a little complicated to handle. Change the word insane to one that could represent it in the collective imagination. Does everyone who visits a psychologist have serious personal problems? Not necessarily.
Counseling is aimed to solve any personal problem by strengthening individual skills. So it’s potentially for everyone.

If you think you have a problem or a situation that you are uncomfortable with and would like to solve, contact me. Let’s get to know each other, talk about it, and work it through together.

A technical note. Are psychological support and counseling the same thing? Not in Italy.

  • Psychological support is aimed to maintain well-being.
  • Counseling is broader. Generally there is a problem at the base, the psychologist evaluates it, if necessary they make a diagnosis, and at the end there is empowerment. Empowerment means activating the subject’s resources to be self-aware and solve the problem that they are experiencing.
These definitions are a simplified reworking of the protocollo 15000174 of 5 June 2015 of the Italian Order of Psychologists.

Counseling price: 40€ for an hour-long session.