March 28, 2023

Cookie cutters

In a book called "Great Scientific Experiments: 20 Experiments that Changed Our View of the World," there’s one about cookie cutters. Are you curious?

Anthony reads the post:

Do you feel guilty? Not at all!

Reflecting upon my last two posts it seems evident that human beings do not always act according to moral standards. In psychology, we use the expression “mechanisms of moral disengagement”, there are justifications that allow us to abandon moral standards (so that we can have unkind or reprehensible behaviour) without feel guilty. The psychologist Albert Bandura classified 8 mechanisms. Would you like to see them?

Anthony reads the post:

March 14, 2023

Shoot out! Yes, sir

Do you do everything that you are told to do? Do you do everything that your boss asks of you? These are two similar questions, but probably with different answers. Why is it different if the order is given by someone representing authority? Let’s see why you end up saying yes to your boss.

Anthony reads the post:

March 05, 2023

Can you help me? Eh... maybe

Helping a stranger is not a man’s instinctive behaviour. We help someone we don’t know if we know that he or she depends on us. Helpful behaviour in Psychology is called altruistic behaviour. Let us try together to understand why it is not so spontaneous to help others.
Anthony reads the post:

March 02, 2023

I read that research of the University of...

How many times have you read or heard that the researchers from a specific University discovered that... and then followed news that appeared useless. As an example, consider the relationship between how you hang toilet paper and your personality! Here there is a problem of scientific dissemination (as well as use of public money), to explain scientific facts to people who may have little or no knowledge about a subject. 

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