May 28, 2023

I forgot

I forgot. How many times has it happened to you? Forgetting is losing information that you once had. Yet it is still not clear whether our brain can forget. Let's see why.

May 22, 2023

Learning and memory

The last two times I talked about perception and attention. Do you want to guess the next topic? After perceiving and being attentive, what is the next task? Learning.

May 13, 2023

Watch out for the gorilla

"Be careful!" How many times have you heard that? But what does it mean to be careful? It is a habit of psychological research to study the failures of cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, etc.). Remember that in the previous post we saw how the brain can misinterpret the sizes of two people in a room? Let's do the same with attention.

May 01, 2023

Giants and Dwarfs in the Room of Ames

If in your life you have been curious about psychology and, perhaps, you have bought a book on general psychology, most likely there was at least one section dedicated to optical illusions. But why should Psychology be concerned with optical illusions? I'll try to give an answer.