July 01, 2023

The Language

If I asked you what sets humans apart from other animal species, what comes to mind? For me, it's language. But what is language?

Language is characterized by a series of symbols that, when combined according to certain rules, are capable of conveying meaning. According to this definition, there are "things" other than languages (like Italian, English, Japanese, etc.) that we can consider as a form of language.

Let's consider a couple of examples. Mathematics consists of symbols (numbers and operations) that, when arranged in a certain order, provide a meaning that is often a result. Music consists of symbols (notes and clefs) that, when arranged in a certain order on a staff, allow the musician to produce a melody.

Language is characterized by vocabulary, syntax, and semantics.

  • Vocabulary is the set of words available, essentially the dictionary.
  • Syntax is the set of rules that allow us to combine words in a way that conveys meaning. For example, saying "the house is red" has correct syntax, whereas saying "red the is house" has incorrect syntax. Similarly, saying "1 + 2 = 3" has correct syntax, whereas saying "3 + = 1 2" has incorrect syntax.
  • Semantics refers to the intended meaning. In the previous examples, the semantics are: there is a house whose main color is red, and the sum of one unit and two units equals three units.

Language has a sender and a receiver, which is a complicated way of saying that there is someone who expresses the language (the speaker or writer) and someone who receives and interprets it (the listener or reader). Language is a powerful means of communication, an extremely fast way to transmit concepts. It has revolutionized the way humans learn, as knowledge can be easily transmitted from generation to generation.

And what about body language? In non-human animals, the body is used to convey messages, especially related to emotions. Baring teeth and assuming an aggressive posture indicates anger (I'm about to attack you), while smiling indicates joy (I'm fine, I'm calm). What I've discussed in this post is the language invented by humans, a structured language to express complex concepts that has transformed the quality of human life over the years.

Sources: I haven't cited any specific theories; I have provided verifiable definitions. You can also use Wikipedia to verify the accuracy of the definitions provided.

Do you agree with the definition of language I provided? Have you ever thought about mathematics and music as forms of language?

If you'd like me to describe a psychology topic in my own words, please let me know in the comments.

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