August 27, 2023

Split brain

If you search on Google for 'left brain and right brain,' you'll find many images suggesting that the left brain handles reason and logic, while the right brain deals with creativity. Is this really true?

August 20, 2023

Exploring the Brain

If we want to describe an organ like the brain, we can view it from the side (lateral view), cut it in half and look at its right or left part (sagittal view), or even cut it into upper and lower halves (axial view). The lateral view, in my opinion, is the simplest way to talk about something not too complicated about our brain.

August 12, 2023

Nervous System and Brain

To understand behavior, we need to know about the engine that drives our actions – the brain. I'm not sure if there's an easy way to talk about the brain, but I'll give it a try in my own words.