January 28, 2024

Depression Symptoms - Part 2

Since one post wasn't enough to tell you all about the depression symptoms, here I am picking up where I left off last time. We've seen that among the symptoms of depression are depressed mood, loss of pleasure, weight gain/loss, insomnia, psychomotor disturbances, and now it's time for...

January 21, 2024

Depression Symptoms - Part 1

For those who are learning a bit about clinical aspects through these posts, perhaps you've become familiar with the concepts of symptoms and disorders. To diagnose a disorder, you need to have a certain number of symptoms for a specific period under certain conditions. Before discussing Major Depression and Persistent Depression, let's explore the symptoms of depression.

January 14, 2024

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

The first depressive disorder we encounter in the diagnostic manual (DSM-5) is Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. A very long name, so let's break it down to understand its meaning.

January 07, 2024

Depressive Disorders

After Bipolar Disorder, the diagnostic manual continues with Depressive Disorders. The word "depression" is familiar to us, likely due to its prevalence; it's easier to have direct or indirect experiences with someone who has suffered or is suffering from depression. Therefore, I expect that even a reader not versed in the subject has a greater awareness of what Depression is compared to Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia.