July 30, 2023

Are We Counting Emotions?

Do you like the chart? All colorful... and did you understand anything from it? If not, let me try to explain it in my own words. If I asked you how many emotions there are, what would your answer be? To this day, there is still no definitive answer to this question. Psychologists have attempted to classify emotions, but it is important to note that these are scientifically unvalidated models.

July 23, 2023

Emotions Competition

Lately, we've talked about emotions and how to recognize them. But are there emotions that are easier to recognize than others? Or emotions that 'arrive' before others? Yes, negative emotions are quicker to activate. Let's see why.

July 16, 2023

Emotions. Desperately seeking definition.

Last time, we saw that human beings can convey information about their emotions through their facial expressions and body language. But what exactly are emotions?

July 09, 2023

Can you read my emotion?

In the last post, I talked about symbolic language, which is the language created by humans based on a series of symbols that convey meaning. What can we communicate without using this artificial system? Emotions.

July 01, 2023

The Language

If I asked you what sets humans apart from other animal species, what comes to mind? For me, it's language. But what is language?