October 01, 2023

Communication Disorders (Part 1)

What does it mean to communicate? In simple terms, it's the ability to express concepts and understand them. So, we recognize at least two functions: sending messages and receiving messages.

We've learned that neurodevelopmental disorders are related to deficits, meaning an ability that hasn't developed adequately during growth. For communication disorders, we recognize three deficits:

  • Language deficits
  • Speech deficits
  • Communication deficits.

But what do we mean by language, speech, and communication?

Language. We've encountered this word before. In a previous post, I defined language as a set of symbols connected through specific rules (grammatical rules) that allow conveying meaning (semantics).

Speech. Speech is a commonly used word that can be defined as "the way of speaking." In clinical terms, speech refers to how sounds are produced. How do we articulate sounds? How easily do we express them? What is the tone of our voice like?

Communication. With communication, we mean a behavior capable of influencing others. It can be either verbal or non-verbal (gestural) behavior.

In the diagnostic manual, Communication Disorders encompass:

  • Language Disorder
  • Speech Sound Disorder
  • Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (stuttering)
  • Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder.


- American Psychiatric Association (2013) - Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
- Bernhill, J. W. (2014) - DSM-5 Clinical Cases.

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